Tuesday, November 12, 2013

3 contemporary icons

 3 Contemporary Icons 

We have lots of contemporary icons in our culture ,  some of the icons that we have represents a time,  style , activity or even a local culture. The three icons that I choose are CNN , Baywatch and Michael Jackson .

CNN ( Cable News Network)

Growing up overseas I remember watching CNN, back in the day I remember when my dad wanted to know about what was going  in the USA all he did was watch CNN. 
No matter where you see the symbol "CNN" it is associated with America immediately.  People around the globe tend to watch CNN and immediately assume that  hat CNN is the most important News Channel in the USA  
CNN is a popular icon and represent the whole country, when people see their cameras in other countries the first thing that come to their minds is America . CNN has established itself as an American icon of information and news not just here in the USA but around the World.  



Now , I know that many of us have mix feelings about Baywatch .. Well, .. something was wrong with this TV Show , some how it seem to sent misrepresentations of how life and people looks in the USA.. I remember living in Italy and watching the show somebody saying “ Wow .. Girls and boys are so beautiful in America “ , when I came to the country in 1998 I was talking with my friends and told them the reality .. Sorry buddy not everybody looks like Pamela Anderson in the USA.   

Baywatch was translated to 30 different languages and every 1/10 people on Earth who grew up on that time has see or heard about Baywatch (According to the Guinness Records) . Regardless of all that,  this Icon represents my childhood , it also  remains me living overseas  and  dreaming about coming to America and having a girlfriend just like the girls of Baywatch... Lol..!!!  Is amazing how much this show represented the country in other cultures, therefore Baywatch will always be remember. 

Michael Jackson.

We can write books and books about Michael Jackson, He represents to me not just the culture of America but an entire movement and Talent … Michael Jackson is the Greatest Entertainer that ever lived … His music and talent has entertained people for over 40 years not just here but people all over the world.  Michael Jackson itself is an Icon .. generations after generation had entertained it selves with his music and will continue their admiration for  his talent and great taste.

What is Popular Culture ? 

We can find numerous definitions about Popular Culture , the best that I can describe is  the collections of ideas, music, political views, perspectives, fashions, politics, attitudes, images,technology  and other trends of a society . Popular change constantly changes year after year and it varies from country to country.
Some of the clear examples that we can think of Popular Culture  is music and politics, back in the 70's for example Disco was the new trend in western society while politics and new ideas were trending across nations. 

With the advance of technology new ideas and trends arrives to society , the idea of sharing friendship and  finding old friend was born with Facebook. The sharing of ideas and opinions across the Internet was introduce by Twitter , and in general after years of technological advance we can say that Popular Culture has gone across a path of evolutionary ideas and trends that keep shaping society .  I will argue that sometimes technology and Popular Culture destroy the main core of society and humans , for example since texting and Facebook were introduce to our societies , people has started to be OK with a simple text or "Wall Update".

The artifact that I choose  is a symbol of our Popular Culture now in our days is YouTube, it is amazing how important and interesting You Tube has become.  This website has open the eyes of many people and not to mention that has introduce ideas and has shared important trends in our societies from political demonstrations to new music videos.   You Tube is an important way to communicate , lets just think about it. If you miss an important video or news , I'm sure is going to be in You Tube .  This website has become an important icon on today's popular culture.