Sunday, November 24, 2013

Weekly Analysis , Online Dating

The topic that I chose was “Online Dating”, this particular topic is now popular on today’s society, busy individuals today has change the rules of the dating game along with creating popular beliefs, myths and icons.
Online dating has grown over time from the bottom of being full of negative myths and a “risky business “to an acceptable way to find your significant other.   I’m a living experience after meeting my wife in Russia back in 2005 that online dating still coming out of the darkness of being just a myth of unpopular and risk ways to find a significant other, we have to understand that all the popular beliefs of meeting somebody online were not the best , people constantly belief that people can post anything they want online or they just didn’t look the way  you thought. The myths of online dating has overcome time and myths , now in our days online dating has become an acceptable way to meet people.
On today’s society we can see why people will still believe that meeting somebody 5000 miles away over the internet is a myth ,  according to the Oxford Dictionary (2012) myth is “ A traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon and can be positive or negative”.  Meeting somebody online still have a question mark , therefore people will still questioning and be  twice precautions when meeting somebody online , if we think about it , the internet has grown only in the past 15 years, back in the day In the early 90's  AOL introduced the chat rooms where people could become friends with totally strangers.
What theories seem to apply to your popular culture topic?
Myths and popular beliefs are probably on the top of the list when we talk about online dating.
Popular beliefs such as: Your marriage will not survive or You don’t know enough about the other person’s past are just popular beliefs that lead to a negative conclusion that is probably wrong, now, in our days divorce happens all the time and no matter where you meet your significant other, those are the popular beliefs that online dating tends to battle.
Some of the  myths is that if you eventually find somebody and you get married, your marriage will not survive because you didn’t meet the traditional way, and there is no way that two complete strangers can make a marriage happed . Some of the other myths are that you can meet a “gorgeous woman” online , that myth can happed but eventually is a myth because the other person still needs to like you, is not a free pass to the “man or woman of your dreams” .
How do these theories describe, analyze or evaluate the topic you have selected?
Myths and Popular beliefs shows that online dating still growing and perhaps will still facing constant questioning from society and cultures.  Analyzing online dating along with it myths and popular beliefs will show that online dating  still considered a fairly new concept that has taken reign over the dating world for the past few years now, especially after the internet become so available and popular .
 What insights do you gain from applying these theories to your popular culture topic?
I’m a living experience of the “Online Dating” I meet my wife in 2005 while she was in Russia and I was here in the USA , I can say by experience that online dating and marring somebody that you meet online still full of negative and positive myths along with popular beliefs that I can agree and disagree .  I think that analyzing my topic and my personal experience I can agree with some of the myths along with highlighting the popular beliefs.