Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Journal Article Paper Analysis

Broadcasting Diversity: Alan Lomax and Multiculturalism. 

The article is a recount of Alan Lomax who began collecting examples of folk music tucked away in rural regions during his teenage years. He cut his teeth as a folklorist by accompanying his father, John Lomax, on a son-collecting trip around southern penitentiaries in 1933 when he was eighteen. (Donaldson, 2013)  . This article is a true example of the dedication and spirit of a man’s passion.  He got his dream job in 1936 he accepted a position as assistant in charge of the Archive of American Folksong in the Library of Congress, can you image be there , his passion was already folksongs and in top of that he was in charge to keep records of it.   
The article make a small reference about how and why Alan Lomax was so passion about folksongs as mentioned  before he followed his father around southern penitentiaries in 1933 when he collected songs. He worked at the Library of Congress where he was able to bring folk music to the public something that was not popular in that time, back in that day people already has started to move away from folk music. The article talks about many of his accomplishments some of those is the fact that he developed radio shows for both adults and children were he was able to introduce people from other ethnic groups to perform and share their folk music.
           Donaldson makes reference on his article about the importance of Lomax‘s work. Lomax believed that folk songs were living traditions that granted insight into the various folk communities; when viewed collectively, these songs provided a deeper understanding of the nation as a whole. (Donaldson, 2013) .
The importance of this article is the fact that it provides an emphasis on the ability to share a culture and to admire each and every one of the cultures living together, let’s not forget that in that time 1933 the great depression was just passing by and also the massive immigration from Europe has just passed too, our country was floated with cultures from around the globe.  
The article is very interesting because it does not mention some of the main problems that America was struggling in that time, let don’t forget that from 1930-1960 multiculturalism was not very well accepted, if you were not white from European descent you were seem as an “immigrant” which was a phenomenon stupid on that time due to the fact that from the 1920’s to 1930’s   the United States had a big wave of immigration from Europe , which in most of the cases were people leaving their home countries , war and political persecution.
Lomax used music and his radio show to show his listeners that diversity was ok and music  and diversity was even better. After establishing that fact, he used folk music to define that identity; for Lomax, folk songs represented the inherent diversity of the American people. One aspect of this diversity was the ethnic pluralism generated by waves of immigration.             (Donaldson , 2013).
One of my favorite paragraphs in the article is a scrip where he talks about the pluralism and the beauty of the country thanks to the movement of immigration and the fact that in the Unites States you could find people from allover the World who spoke different languages.  The importance of the article and culture is showed by few examples such as : Lomax loved to mentioned the example of the railroad and how important immigration is been to the construction of the railroad system.
            America is the land where men from all over the world , speaking different languages, singing different songs, liking different kinds of cooking, have been able to meet and say “ Hello stranger , where are youi going”? Stop a minute and let’s have a talk. ( Donaldson, 2013) .
The article is about 20 pages long but I chose the article with out knowing the importance of Lomax , before reading this article I didn’t even know that he existed .  Lomax with out any doubt is one of the most importance figures in introducing multi-culture awareness in our country to many audiences, Lomax was not a politician he was just a man in love with music and with the aspect of a multicultural society, he was a man who understood the principle of a “rich” society. In my opinion and after reading the article I can say that the dedication and spirit of Lomax is one of the many ideas that “softed” the road for multiculturalism in the United States.

Donaldson R (2013). Broadcasting Diversity: Alan Lomax and Multiculturalism. The Journal of Popular Culture. Vol. 46, No 1, 59-78.