Thursday, December 19, 2013

Analysis 5, Online Dating

Written Analysis 5

Since my topic was online dating analyzing was quite difficult at the beginning, but once I started to read and learned that some of the aspect of our daily life has in fact some titles and names such as rituals, stereotypes  and the cult of celebrity .  I can say that the theory that best fit into my topic is the topic of stereotypes even knowing that rituals are a big part of my topic stereotypes is basically the core of my topic.
Most people in general think that all  the people that searches for a soul mate online is probably a “loaner” or a “weirdo” in fact , with technology and our life getting busy and busy this activity is becoming more adequate an  socially accepted in popular culture. Now, I did mentioned in my previous writings that stereotypes are develop by society to some how identify a group of people. In our days this practice is seem as inappropriate because it tends to lead to a generalization of the general public and some how can represent harm to a group of people.
Meeting people online don’t get me wrong, is not an easy task , is not like you put your picture there and you are good to go, in other words there are some risks associated with meeting people online that has led to miss represent and stereotype online dating .
            Some of the most interesting findings was to be able to establish a relation between concepts and activities, for example the fact that we confuse a routine with the word “ritual” was interesting sometimes we tend to think that an act is just a routine like getting a cup of coffee at Starbucks , the ritual in that activity  is that in order for the cashier to process our order , we have to decide from the menu what type of drink do we want?, In other words the ritual to get a cup of coffee in Starbucks is to read the menu.  The topic of rituals were interesting, before taking this class I didn’t even think that taking a shower before eating my dinner could be call a ritual.  I just love the fact that now I can associate the word “ritual” with common activities that I tend to do in a daily basis before engaging into an activity.

            In regards to my topic I can say that my idea has not changed and  the principle of meeting people online is there to help our popular culture , with people  getting more opportunities and more education , I think that the option of meeting somebody online is open to the simple fact adults in general need some type of socialization. The World of online dating helps individuals and busy professionals to meet people and opens the door for a happy and healthy relationship.   

1930-1945 , Literature and Historical Events in the US

This time was one of the most fascinating times of the 19th century . In the 1930s we had it all  recessions , war, criminals, celebrities and the raise of Hollywood . This time was marked by  aconstant change in the whole country as a whole in society and demographically . Between coming back from a recession in the early 1930’s to the end of WWII the country faced really big challenges during that time . Some of the most remarkable  topics of the 1930’s were the following : 

Al Capone Imprisoned for Income Tax Evasion was headline news all over the country and the World . 1931 federal persecutors could not find nothing criminal implicating to Al Capone, therefore the only way to get him was for Tax evasion. The remarkable part of all this is the fact that Al Capone was in fact a very intelligent man too bad that he used all that power to become one of the most notorious gangsters of our modern time.  

Some of most notorious events that Capone some how participated (indirectly) was the Saint Valentine’s Massacre that eliminated some of his enemies.

*1931 is also marked as the year that the United States of America got officially a National Anthem

*1933 News arrived to the United States that Austrian born Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany.

*1934 Another of the most notorious criminals were kill that year Bonnie and Clyde who were well known bank robbers

*1936 Nazi Germany is in shock after an African American from Alabama  Jesse Owens wins 3 individual Gold medals in the middle of Nazi Germany’s rhetoric of racial superiority.

*1939 World War II Begins .. Nazi Germany invades Poland .  
*1941 Japan attack Perl Harbor 

*1944 D-Day… Under the Command of Dwight Eisenhower the United States invaded the cost of France (Normandy) June 6 , 1944 . This event marked the entrance of The United States officially to the war in Europe. 


We can think many events or personalities in the Literature World but Ernest Hemingway deserves to have a solo spot during this time.. His novels and books been read all over the World . My Favorite book is the Old man and the Sea, which I had the pleasure to read back in school in my home country (Ecuador) , a funny fact about this is that when I lived in Italy my friend's sister was reading the same book for her Literature and Theater class. 
Ernest Hemingway was born July 21, 1899 and died July 2, 1961.  He was born in Oak Park, Illinois Chicago.  He was a veteran of World War I.  Hemingway excelled in both academics and athletics while attending Oak Park and River Forest High School.  After World War One, Hemingway returned to Oak Park, in 1920, and found a job with Toronto Star newspaper, as a freelancer.   In 1939, Hemingway went to Key West, Florida.  70% of the novels he would create would be created in writer's den in the upper floor of the converted garage, in back of this house.  Hemingway killed himself by self inflicted shotgun wound to the head. (Saroyan, 2012)  


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Written Analysis # 4

Online Dating
My topic is online dating therefore contains a formula which is well known by everyone. Romance is probably one of the oldest and more described feelings in existence and is part of the formula of love.
The raise for a better way to meet your other half has been  always  on our minds . The true is that  romance  not always have perfect “formula” but there is always a right way. Caring, attentive, interesting, loving and dedicated is just part of the formula for romance. Online dating became popular back in the 90’s with the boom of the internet.
No matter which website you use, some of the basic needs for their users are there, is just the independency of each site that provides more and more personalize services.
It is not part of the “formula” of life to be 40-45 and single and had no exciting prospects. Society in general always  establish the limits , for example is not normal for a 40 years old woman to be single , the reason is because it could be difficult to have or start a family , is just biological difficult. In the other hand is difficult for an older man to also start a family because age starts to be an issue. Sometime when you go to these sites you can see how unrealistically people are and sometimes you can question the reason why he or she is there.
           There is not the right formula for love , we all can expect a happy end , but in the online dating world we can say that in order to accomplish your goal , we have to follow some basics for the perfect formula such as using aspirational language and keeping positive and optimistic.  
           Keeping your profile short and don’t try to be funny , in some cultures being funny can be seen and stupid or maybe some our your jocks are not well accepted in other parts of the world ,  If you want to use humor, write whatever you're planning to say down and show it to some friends or co-workers and ask for their opinions, also  have them read it aloud. Sometimes with your tone of voice, it may be hilarious but out of your friend's mouth it may fall flat with nonsense or even be offensive.
We have to note that romance and dating are two subjects well accepted worldwide, therefore a perfect formula can be expected to have a happy product. In our popular culture dating online is becoming more and more popular.  We have to understand that we don’t create love, make love, or fall in love. We participate in love we actively involved in searching for love and our partner. Romance is just part of the formula for Love.