Thursday, December 19, 2013

Analysis 5, Online Dating

Written Analysis 5

Since my topic was online dating analyzing was quite difficult at the beginning, but once I started to read and learned that some of the aspect of our daily life has in fact some titles and names such as rituals, stereotypes  and the cult of celebrity .  I can say that the theory that best fit into my topic is the topic of stereotypes even knowing that rituals are a big part of my topic stereotypes is basically the core of my topic.
Most people in general think that all  the people that searches for a soul mate online is probably a “loaner” or a “weirdo” in fact , with technology and our life getting busy and busy this activity is becoming more adequate an  socially accepted in popular culture. Now, I did mentioned in my previous writings that stereotypes are develop by society to some how identify a group of people. In our days this practice is seem as inappropriate because it tends to lead to a generalization of the general public and some how can represent harm to a group of people.
Meeting people online don’t get me wrong, is not an easy task , is not like you put your picture there and you are good to go, in other words there are some risks associated with meeting people online that has led to miss represent and stereotype online dating .
            Some of the most interesting findings was to be able to establish a relation between concepts and activities, for example the fact that we confuse a routine with the word “ritual” was interesting sometimes we tend to think that an act is just a routine like getting a cup of coffee at Starbucks , the ritual in that activity  is that in order for the cashier to process our order , we have to decide from the menu what type of drink do we want?, In other words the ritual to get a cup of coffee in Starbucks is to read the menu.  The topic of rituals were interesting, before taking this class I didn’t even think that taking a shower before eating my dinner could be call a ritual.  I just love the fact that now I can associate the word “ritual” with common activities that I tend to do in a daily basis before engaging into an activity.

            In regards to my topic I can say that my idea has not changed and  the principle of meeting people online is there to help our popular culture , with people  getting more opportunities and more education , I think that the option of meeting somebody online is open to the simple fact adults in general need some type of socialization. The World of online dating helps individuals and busy professionals to meet people and opens the door for a happy and healthy relationship.   

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